Sunday, July 26, 2009

Steve Vs. Sonic the Hedgehog

Steve is my African pygmy hedgehog. He also holds the title as the first HooZoo resident.

The number one question I get asked relates to Steve's more famous counterpart, Sonic. "Can he roll into a ball and spin like Sonic?" The answer is no. He also isn't blue, nor does he spend his days fighting Dr. Robotnik.

Steve is a little over one pound, walks on all four legs and is black and white (known as salt and pepper). He can curl into a ball, but cannot shoot out spikes (quills) or roll around. He rolls into a ball when he's mad or scared. He has two sets of quills, baby and adult. He is very prickly... especially when he's flexing... but when he's relaxed, his quills move back and he feels like a coarse hairbrush. He's an insectivore... which is closer to the mole family rather than the rodent family. He eats hedgehog food, cat kibble and gets mealworms and baby hot dogs for treats.

Steve is the resident grumpy old man. He usually wakes up around 10pm and gets very upset when you wake him up. However, he can bribed with mealworms.

Steve in a ball

Steve as a BOWLING Ball

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